2019/2023-01 Annual Club Christmas Party
- Christmas 2020 sees Janelle, Ken, Margaret and Greg at Clarencetown.
- Bob warms up the 78 other members before the charity raffle.
- David with Santa.
- Graeme with Santa.
- Irene with Santa.
- Sue with Santa.
- Narelle with Santa.
- Meagan with Santa.
- Jill with Santa.
- Club elf Therese with club Santa Brett.
- Watching intently as the raffles are drawn.
- Doug with Santa.
- Listening carefully during the Australian Anthems trivia.
- Listening carefully to the raffle draw.
- Carefully checking raffle tickets.
- President Ian drawing another prize.
- Santa and elf ready for action as Ian makes a presentation.
- Santa and Lorraine.
- Santa and Bob.
- Santa and Garry.
- Santa and Pam.
- Santa and Tony.
- Santa wrestling Vicki.
- Santa and Tracy.
- In 2019 Graeme and Gayle enjoyed our lunch at the Hunter River Hotel.
- Patrick and Santa.